Saskatchewan Landing Cottage Information

Saskatchewan Landing is a Natural Environment Park that sits within the Missouri Coteau. Saskatchewan Landing is predominantly a grasslands park. Hundreds of plant species and more than 60 species at risk depend on Canada's grasslands. These landscapes store an estimated two to three billion tonnes of carbon in their root systems and soil, making up some of the highest carbon stocks in the world.

Saskatchewan Landing is also home to two known and recorded Species at Risk, the Piping Plover and the Small Flowered Sand Verbena. Species at Risk are protected Federally by the Species at Risk Act or SARA.

Letter from the Park Manager

Dear Omache Bay Cottage Lessees - Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park (Celebrating 50 Years);

Hello cottage owners of the beautiful Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. On behalf of the park staff, I want to provide a few updates on several topics, as well as highlight some of the messages that have occurred in past issues of this letter.

Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park 50th Anniversary

This year the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. Park and business-led events will be held throughout the season.

2023 Water Quality Report

Below is a link to the 2023 Water Quality Report for Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park.

Potable Water

We will continue reading meters once every three months and we will continue to bill every three months. Payment options remain the same, if you wish to pay at our office you must bring in a copy of your invoice otherwise we cannot process the payment. I have included the Drinking Water Quality and Compliance Annual Notice for your review.


The irrigation system is working well and is taking the added strain off our potable water system. Again, this year, the Irrigation Levy will be collected from everyone and returned back to the Irrigation Committee to maintain and operate this system. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Waste Management and Recycling

Triways has renewed the contract again for this year. Historically, we have placed a large dumpster in the cottage subdivision for yard waste clean-up. We will continue to have a dumpster for collection of your grass clippings, branches, etc. I will remind everyone that Elm may not be placed in this dumpster. Please make arrangements with the Park to take any elm up to our burn pile at the top of the hill. Also, remember the provincial elm pruning ban from April 1 to August 31. We will be placing a large 30-yard dumpster near the subdivision for cottagers to use to clean up their lots in the fall.

Keeping Belongings on Your Lot

All personal items must be stored on your own property, or you may call the park to make arrangements to use our storage compound. From May Long Weekend to Labor Day, it is $2 per day and is $150 for the shoulder season (Labor Day-May long weekend). I want to remind all cottagers that items like benches, storage containers, boats, lawn chairs, etc. cannot be left along the lakeshore.

Modification of Park Property

Cottagers are prohibited from mowing grass to the shoreline and altering the shoreline.

The Parks Regulations, 1991

General prohibition 59 No person shall:

  1. Take, damage or destroy a flower, plant, shrub, tree or any other natural vegetation on park land without the prior written consent of the minister;
  2. Alter the natural state of any part of park land without the prior written consent of the minister;

A survey in the cottage subdivision area will be conducted for Nature Saskatchewan's Rare Plant Rescue program. The survey will be looking for Species at Risk, particularly the Endangered Small Flowering Sand Verbena. The Small flowering Sand Verbena is listed as Endangered under the Species at Risk Act (SARA).

*Anyone that observes prohibited activity on Park Land can report to Park Watch at 1-800-667-1788*

Tree Removal

If you are planning on doing any removal of trees on your lot, residents are required to obtain a Tree Removal Permit before undertaking the work. The permit can be obtained at Visitor Reception Centre. Obtaining a permit helps to ensure that other provincial regulations like those pertaining to elm trees from April 1 to August 31 of each year are respected.

Building Permits

I want to remind everyone about the requirement to obtain a building permit if you plan on developing, altering, demolishing, removing, or relocating any building or structure on your lot. For some buildings (ex: small sheds less than 100 ft-2inches) the approval process can be handled locally and is quick. For larger projects, the approval process is more detailed. If you have questions, please give us a call as I would rather we discuss the project before it starts than try to resolve things after the fact. I appreciate your cooperation on this matter. There have been some changes to the Cottage Guidelines and you may find them at or you can call me at any time if you have questions regarding a project.


It should be noted there will always be complaints about pets off leash, etc. mainly concerning cats. All pets must be on a leash and are not allowed to roam freely, so please be a good neighbour and a responsible pet owner.

Feeding Wildlife

Feeding or using attractants (e.g. bird feeders) for wildlife can become hazardous to wildlife, cottage owners and property. No residents shall feed or use attractants on parkland, as per The Park Regulations 35(2) and 35.1(1). I have attached an informative article regarding bird feeders and the spread of diseases and viruses due to unsanitary conditions.

CWD - Chronic Wasting Disease

Sask Landing Park has seen an increase in CWD infected deer within the park. Please contact our local Provincial Protective Services Branch, Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Field office at 306-778-8205 if you have concerns regarding sick deer in the Subdivision.

Avian Influenza Viruses

Avian influenza viruses occur globally in wild birds, especially in waterfowl and shorebirds. More information regarding avian influenza can be found at: .

Cottage Lessee Park Specific Park Entry Permits

Cottage lessees may pick up their 2023-24 transferable Park Specific Entry Permits from the park office in which their cottage is located beginning May 15, 2023. Our Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or please visit our drive-up window for pick up after hours, our staff will be able to assist you seven days a week until 8 p.m. Once cottage lessees have retrieved their permits, they are considered received and no further permits will be re-issued. If additional permits are required, cottage lessees may purchase a 2023-24 transferrable Annual Park Entry Permit from any provincial park office in Saskatchewan. The two issued transferrable Park Specific Entry Permits are associated with the lease and not the person; therefore, when transferring a lease please ensure these park specific permits are also transferred to the new lease owner as additional ones will not be issued.

Please remember that vehicles within provincial parks are required to always display a valid entry permit throughout the year.

Anyone picking up Annual Park Entry Permits associated with a cottage property at a provincial park must:

  • Be named on the provincial park cottage lease agreement.
  • Update contact information with park official.
  • Provide personal identification.
  • Sign for the permits.

As in previous years, where non-compliance issues remain, Annual Park Entry Permits may be withheld by the Ministry until outstanding non-compliant issues have been resolved. Examples of this are (but not limited to): lease fee arrears, expired lease, pending assignment of lease (sale) or unresolved estate (one lessee deceased). If any of these circumstances apply to you, please contact the park office for assistance. These permits will be held in Regina - the Regina office will advance these assigned permits once compliance has been reached.

ATV/UTV and off-road travel

ATV/UTV and off-road travel in Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park is prohibited. Please refer to the Parks Regulations 1991, Part IV, Vehicles and Traffic, Use of Vehicles, 17. To access the ice to fish you must trailer your ATV/UTV to the boat launch. Special Permits for ATV/UTV usage are issued by the Park for operation reasons like snow clearing, fence maintenance and trail maintenance.

Sceptic System Integrity Testing

The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport has adopted a Sceptic System Integrity Testing policy effective January 1, 2020. This policy can be found on our website at

Recreational cottage lease holders in Provincial Parks are required to install and maintain an operating sceptic system (section 48 of The Parks Regulations, 1991). This policy is aimed at establishing a process through which integrity testing of sceptic systems will be addressed in subdivisions in Provincial Parks.

All sceptic systems in Provincial Park Cottage subdivisions shall be tested a minimum of every five (5) years to ensure their integrity in an effort to preserve soil, ground water and lakes.

We ask that when your sceptic tank is full you contact the Park office to have the test conducted. Please give staff adequate notice to have these inspections scheduled. This test will require the following:

  • 24-hour period.
  • Access to sceptic tank access hatch.
  • Sceptic tank must be filled.
  • Zero tolerance on fluid level fluctuations.

Contact Information

Please ensure the Park Office has your most recent email address and contact information as all correspondence from the park will be communicated via email.

Again, feel free to contact me anytime.

Have a wonderful summer!

Tricia Bacon
Park Manager - Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park