Longitude: -107.73° W

The small village of Val Marie is situated in southern Saskatchewan just 25 minutes north of the Canada/United States border. The area's economy is based on farming, ranching, tourism and natural gas. Before heading out to the Grasslands National Park's West Block, stop at the park's office for detailed information on the park's history, flora and fauna, special events, programs and more. Val Marie and surrounding area offers a variety of accommodation options for visitors including the Val Marie Hotel, the Convent Inn, The Sanctuary Inn, The Crossing at Grasslands, Sky Story Bed & Breakfast, Don's Place and the Val Marie Campground with electric and non-electric campsites, modern washroom/shower facility, picnic tables, sewage disposal and spray park. Be sure to take a look around the community and check out the fully stocked Val Marie Grocery & Liquor store, the tasty treats at Pete's Parlour, the workings of a traditional grain elevator at the Val Marie Heritage Grain Elevator Tour and the book and gift selection at the Prairie Wind & Silver Sage. The community also hosts the Val Marie Annual Indoor Bob Larson Memorial Rodeo on the third weekend in September.
Email: vovm@sasktel.net

The small village of Val Marie is situated in southern Saskatchewan just 25 minutes north of the Canada/United States border. The area's economy is based on farming, ranching, tourism and natural gas. Before heading out to the Grasslands National Park's West Block, stop at the park's office for detailed information on the park's history, flora and fauna, special events, programs and more. Val Marie and surrounding area offers a variety of accommodation options for visitors including the Val Marie Hotel, the Convent Inn, The Sanctuary Inn, The Crossing at Grasslands, Sky Story Bed & Breakfast, Don's Place and the Val Marie Campground with electric and non-electric campsites, modern washroom/shower facility, picnic tables, sewage disposal and spray park. Be sure to take a look around the community and check out the fully stocked Val Marie Grocery & Liquor store, the tasty treats at Pete's Parlour, the workings of a traditional grain elevator at the Val Marie Heritage Grain Elevator Tour and the book and gift selection at the Prairie Wind & Silver Sage. The community also hosts the Val Marie Annual Indoor Bob Larson Memorial Rodeo on the third weekend in September.
Longitude: -107.73° W
Email: vovm@sasktel.net