2024 ExploreSask Photo Contest

Submissions for the 2024 #ExploreSask Photo Contest are now closed.

Enter photographs or videos of your favourite Saskatchewan adventures for a chance to win great prizes. Amateur and professional photographers and videographers are encouraged to submit their most striking content that captures the natural wonders of Saskatchewan and tells stories about its people and communities.


What’s New:       

  • In previous years, contestants could enter photos by using hashtags on social media. That feature has been discontinued for the 2024 contest.
  • Individuals entering the contest will only be eligible to win one category, plus Grand Prize.
  • The photo gallery displays a random selection of entries. Even if you do not see your photo displayed in the online gallery, be assured that your entry has been successfully submitted.


The six contest categories are:

  • Prairie – Scenic photos from prairie regions; hidden treasures such as valleys, hills and badlands; other natural features displaying the province’s diverse geography in any season.  

  • People & Places – Portraits of Saskatchewan people from all walks of life enjoying indoor or outdoor activities, and places that portray the community spirit and liveliness of Saskatchewan cities and towns, cityscapes, local attractions and urban life. 

  • Wildlife – Images that showcase Saskatchewan’s beautiful wild animals, birds and insects.
  • Winter – Scenes of winter in Saskatchewan, from outdoor activities to wild snowy landscapes.

  • Woods & Water – Photography that features Saskatchewan’s abundant lakes and rivers, as well as Saskatchewan’s diverse forests and trees, from lodgepole pine and aspen groves in the south to the northern boreal forests.

  • Video – Submit an edited piece or single shot video (60 seconds maximum) of Saskatchewan wildlife, people, places and landscapes.


The prize-winning photographer in each category will receive a $500 Visa gift card. The Grand Prize winner, selected from the five photography category winners, will receive an additional $500 Visa gift card. The prize for the Video category is a $1,000 Visa gift card. The winner in the Video category will not be considered in the selection of the Grand Prize.


Submissions for the 2024 #ExploreSask Photo Contest are now closed.