South - Southey
Public Trails
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Hwy 6, 14 km S of Southey or 36 km N of Regina. Property located just off of highway.
Latitude: 50.77686° N,
Longitude: -104.615° W
Longitude: -104.615° W
The Fairy Hill Complex, located 30 minutes north of Regina in the Qu'Appelle Valley, includes 493 acres of seasonal wetlands and three acres of permanent wetlands. The nearby Fairy Hill Marsh provides habitat for several shorebirds and migrating ducks and geese. Northern leopard frog, Sprague's pipit, yellow rail, porcupine sedge and bigmouth buffalo fish have all been spotted here. Allow 1.5 hours to walk the trail loop. Limited parking is available at the trail head.
South - Southey